Thursday, December 20, 2007

Not more than one.

21-year-old Luo Li Han claims:

I am the most beautiful person in the world because I have very good relationships with my friends and because I am the most handsome boy in China.

Another demonstration of a young Chinese person not lacking in self-confidence.
And this has been noticed several times speaking to candidates for the project “The most beautiful people in the world”.
Many are shining brightly being self-assured.

With China expert Karen Meirik, working as a journalist based in Beijing, this subject was discussed.
We tried to analyse and find a reason for this phenomenon that so many Chinese young people are very self-assured and self confident.

One likely explanation is that it is the result of the “one child policy”.
This strategy, imposed on the Chinese population by its Government in 1979, allows people to have one child only.
This means that most young people in China do not have brothers or sisters.
They have been growing up without any competition for the love of their parents.
All the love the parents had, has been received by the one child only.

The mental stability of a person later in life is highly determined by the circumstances in which a person grew up.
If the family is happy, stable, strong, loving and caring, the child will generally come out of its childhood as a balanced and sane person.

Chinese young people generally had this kind of childhood.
They have been confirmed in their existence in the full manner by the father and by the mother all their lives.
And by the full love and devotion of both grandparents too.
Explaining the impressive self-confidence they are expressing and living these days.

Of course there is another side to being the only child.
And this has also been noticed.
The young Chinese person has the experience to almost always have it her or his way.
This can be noticed in traffic.
Constantly the most horrendous and flagrant traffic violation can be witnessed when driving around in Beijing.
The driver wants it his or her way, having no respect at all for the traffic rules protecting the interest of everybody.
In traffic the selfishness dominates.
A person made by the parents into the centre of the world wishes to remain in that position when surrounded by thousands of cars.

To make a career and to be successful the young Chinese person is in an excellent position.
Self confident, self-assured and feeling the total support of the parents constantly.

Another aspect helps the career.
The young Chinese who were met, all had a tremendous respect for their parents.
And they feel obliged to be the best in what they do.
To fulfil the expectations of the parents.
Hence, inside they have a great driving force to accomplish.
To be successful.
To make the parents happy.

Young Chinese people manifest themselves very different from the same young people in Europe and the USA/Canada.
Many young people in Europe and the USA/Canada obviously feel completely lost and are desperately looking for an identity of their own.
Without any self-confidence they experiment having tattoos on arms and legs and other parts of the body, insertions of metal objects in the body called piercings and by wearing extravagant clothing and footwear.
They buy spray cans and paint their names in an artistic way everywhere the people can see it.
All desperately looking for who they are.
These tattooed and pierced young people have not experienced the full love of a father and a mother.
Who were during the childhood of the young people both at work making money.
Who were usually struggling in their own relationship.
Who usually had more than one child distributing the little time and energy they still had among their kids.
Resulting in young members of society revolting.

Maybe it would be a change for the better if in Europe and USA/Canada a law was implemented like in China allowing couples not more than one child.


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