Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An elephant in the hotel

Ring ring.
Footsteps to the door.

Oh, hi, come in!

Sit down, please.

What do you have to tell this time?

It was a large hotel.
I was standing in the lobby.
A lot of people were going in and out. But suddenly I see outside this gigantic wall of water coming towards the entrance of the hotel.
A Tsunami.
The water was dark and immensely threatening.
Because it was such a huge mass it moved slowly.
I realized that within seconds the water would enter the lobby of the hotel and deeper inside.
To kill everybody.
Obviously I was going to die.
But I noticed that the opening to the outside of the lobby was smaller than the space in which I was.
In a split second I thought that if I would put myself against the wall, the water might pass me by without taking me.
Immediately I ran to the wall and put my back against the wall and right then the enormous wall of water entered the hotel lobby.
The wall of water was now in front of me and I could feel the displacement of air and the force of the massive amount of water.
It was up to the ceiling pushing his way in with a gigantic force, devastating everything.
I feared that the water and the pressured air might suck me off the wall.
With all my might I pushed and pushed my back against the wall.
This is how I survived.
As the only one.
Because after the water had receded I entered the hotel.
It was totally ruined inside.
Everything was taken by the water.
Not only the carpets and furniture but also everything on the walls.
It had become a macabre place.
However, somehow an elephant had been in the hotel and had also managed to survive.
But the animal was aggressive and when it noticed my presence it started to chase me.
I ran from room to room closing doors to stop the elephant and to be safe.
But each time the elephant crushed the doors and continued its chase.
This is all I know.

That is quite a story.
What are your feelings triggered by this experience?

I feel exhausted.
Physically and emotionally.

Of course.
That is understandable.

What can you say about this recent dream?

Well, first of all you must realize that a dream can be interpreted as you like.
There is never only one explanation.
Hence, a dream means for you what you decide yourself.
This though should be avoided.
Because an interpretation of a dream is a fantasy.
And this fantasy might consequently lead you in a direction that is not the path of your life.
But you can look to a dream in a rational way.
Like in this case.
We don’t try to find out what is the meaning.
But we try to see what is obvious.
What are almost facts.

So, you as an objective observer, what do you see?

Well, in this dream two things happened.
A tsunami and an aggressive elephant.

Yes, true.

So, twice you were threatened.
But what you also must see is that twice you managed to survive.
You escaped from drowning and from the elephant.

Yes, this is true.

And in both situations you survived by being clever.
By making the right decisions.

Yes, this is also true.

Those are facts of the dream.
Not interpretations or fantasies.
And the only thing that is important to conclude because of this dream is that you are clever and a survivor.
Simply realize that and accept that message.
There is nothing more to it.
Thank you for coming and all the best.

Moving of chairs.
Footsteps in the corridor.
A front door opening and closing.


Dawn Pier said...

bravo! love the imposition of a second voice...brilliant really.

Anonymous said...

Forget all this. Just think of some nice girls and go to sleep.
