Sunday, September 13, 2009

Where life is at its best

To enjoy the most of life, to get the best out of it and to experience it optimally in all its aspects one must be as much in the moment as possible.
One must not still be in the memory of experiences from the past.
Nor must one think of possible events to occur in the future.

That's the theory.
Easy to understand.
But extremely difficult to make the method of living.
Aren't we all caught in a web we involuntarily spin around us?
Aren't we all plagued by memories, often most uncomfortable ones?
Aren't we all worried about certain things that may happen in the future?

There are ways to escape from our web and be free.
One is to get drunk or take drugs but that works only temporarily and has negative side effects.
Another way is to dance naked and wildly in the dark on favorite music.
This is a healthy method and works very well.
Although only for the time you dance and the neighbors are wondering what the heck is going on in your apartment.
If booze, drugs and dancing is impossible, there is always sex as a way to escape from the web.
Just put all the worries and memories in the physical action and you'll be free.
Until you reach your orgasm after which the web closes itself around you again.
And often even more tight because the partner in crime may now ask for compensations for the sex.

Really, to get out of your web there is only one effective solution.
To avoid being bothered by the past and the future, meditation is the only way.
To become centered and in balance so that undesired thoughts slip down like raindrops on your raincoat.

Is meditation difficult?
Yes, it is.
Not as an activity but it is often hard to create a situation that meditation is possible.
To have half an hour a day in a quiet and serene place where undisturbed the meditation can take place.
Once the power and effectiveness of meditation is discovered, it becomes more easy to find half an hour a day in a quiet and serene place.
Because it has been learned that it is healing and making life more enjoyable.
The benefit is known so meditation has made itself indispensable.

So, Mr. Smart Aleck, how does a person get started with meditation?
For example someone that lives with a busy, hectic job, a demanding partner in life with two whining kids at home?
How is that person supposed to find half an hour in a quiet and serene place to escape temporarily from the worries, sorrows, bad memories, turmoil and frustrations?
Good question!

It is very possible that this person with the busy, hectic job, the demanding partner in life and the two whining kids at home is going to church on Sunday.
All dressed up and sitting in the church listening to the sermon and probably even praying.
Maybe having moments of serenity, spiritual tranquility and hope.
And why are they doing this?
Because it is the social pattern they live in.
Neighbors, friends and family also go to church.
It is the accepted thing to do.

Meditation is not a widespread activity.
It is not very accepted as a thing to do in our social environment.
Many people actually hardly know what meditation really is.
How to do it and why it makes sense.

There are countries though in this world where are communities deeply involved in meditation.
Where many practice it and where it is socially totally accepted and integrated.

Hence, it is unavoidable when a person in Europe or the USA turns to meditation, the social pattern in which one operates must change.
A personal social environment must be created where meditation fits in.
Not easy to do.
If an atheist decides to start attending church services, the lost sheep is warmly embraced by the flock.
With meditation a person is basically on the own.
It is a private experience in a personal social environment.
One needs to become an individual leaving being one of many behind.

But once there, life is at its best.



. said...

To learn to BE WITH what ever is, is the best gift you can ever give yourself.

Rajendar Menen said...

Yoga and meditation for at least one hour a day is a must for all. Every single person on the planet needs 'silent' time.