Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Birthing a book

This is a life totally opposite to the one in Mexico.
Hell, here it is work.
Going from appointment to the next.
On the phone.
Communicating by e-mail and Skype.
From six in the morning until eleven at night.
This is birthing a book.
That is a complex undertaking with many aspects.

In Mexico life is by impulse.
Doing what every moment comes up in the mind to do.
But here it is by schedule.

It is very interesting to make and market a book.
The greatest is to work together with other people.
The interaction is inspiring, motivating and a tremendous pleasure.

From experience though the awareness is vivid that all this is just a temporary thing.
That after the book is ready, possibly a large black hole awaits.
That the life so peaceful and relaxed in Mexico, suddenly will seem boring.
With not much going on.
Until matters have calmed down and inner peace and harmony has been regained.

For now it is very likely that the black hole will not in be in front to fall in for some time to come.
The project "The most beautiful people in the world" will ask attention and involvement for months to come.
And a new major project has already appeared on the horizon.

For the time to come, the Mexican pelicans must patrol the shoreline by themselves.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets do a great india book..what say???